

Bulgaria, Sofia 1000
Tsar Simeon Str. 158  At. 2

Tel: +359 /2 /437 2081




119285 Moscow, Pirieva str.

Warehouse: Moscow, Shcherbinka,

Zheleznodorozhnaya str. 24



+7(926) 11 54 2 54
+7(915) 47 96 6 32
+7(499) 14 30 4 50
+7(499) 14 32 7 56



Other equipment

PK 031
Manufacturer: ZMM Metalik
PK 032
Manufacturer: ZMM Metalik
PK 40
Manufacturer: ZMM Metalik
PK 050
Manufacturer: ZMM Metalik
PK 055
Manufacturer: ZMM Metalik
PK 203
Manufacturer: ZMM Metalik
Column drilling machine B 13

Bulgarian-made column drilling machine.

Manufacturer: VSK Kentavar
Cвepлильный koлoнный cтaнok ПKB25

Cвepлильный koлoнный cтaнok ПKB25 для cвepлeния, зeнkoвaния и paзвepтывaния meлkиx и cpeдниx пo гaбapитam дeтaлeй.

Manufacturer: VSK Kentavar
Cтekлo-cвepлильный cтaнok C650

 Cтekлo-cвepлильный cтaнok пpeднaзнaчeн для cвepлeния oтвepcтий в cтekлe (издeлияx из cтekлa) mpamope, гpaнитe и дpугиx maтepиaлax ckaльнoгo пpoиcxoждeния cпeциaльныmи aльmaзнamи cвepлamи типa sepv.

Manufacturer: VSK Kentavar

PK 040


ZMM Metalik

ZMM Metalik

Technical specification of PK 040

Technical dataDim.Value
Maximal diameter of drill in steel mm 40
Work table size mm 480x560
Maximal diameter of drill in cast-iron mm 50
Threading in steel mm M30
Threading in cast-iron mm M40
Spindle nose taper KM 4
Spindle travel mm 200
Main drive - Gear
Max rpm of main motor rpm 1500
Motor power kW 1,5
Number of main motor speed ranges pcs. 9
Range of motor revolutions rpm 81-115-162- 226-321-452- 637-904-1274
Feed mm Automatic with mechanical or electromagnetic connection
Feed quantity pcs. 3
Feed rate mm / rev. 0,10 - 0,20 - 0,30
Column diameter mm 160
Distance from spindle to column mm 370
Distance from spindle to table min/max mm 80/785
T-slots pcs. 3
Width of T-slots mm 18
Tilting and rotating desktop kW 0-360,+/- 90
Distance from spindle to base mm 1170
Size of base work area mm 470x515
T-channels - Quantity x width mm 2x18


kg 500

Standard equipment

Drift Morse, Lighting, Cooling system, Automatic feed, Reverse, Spindle protection , Electrical equipment on the CE